Car Boot Sale - 29Sep
Followed by prize giving and Evening disco/buffet at the Civic Centre
SLSC Competition - Donation of Raffle Prizes
SLSC Polo Shirts for the competition
Email from Diane....
Hi everyone As one of our fundraising ventures we have a stall at Stannington carnival each year where we do a tombola and other things to raise money for the Club. So we would like all of you to have a look and see if you have any unwanted gifts/bottles of booze/other suitable items that we could use as tombola prizes. We need these things ASAP please so if you could bring them to Hillsborough LC on Wednesday 3rd July that would be really helpful as I am away the following week. If you can’t get them there until the 10th that will be ok and someone will collect them from Chris . The Carnival is on 13th July so we really need any items you may have ASAP please Thanks very much If you took part in the sponsored swim on May 15th and haven't yet had the chance to collect all the monies can you please do so over the next few days and drop it off with me on club night.
Thanks, Chris. |
April 2016