For privacy reasons this has been blind-copied (bcc:) to parents & members.
Dear Parents/Carers/Members, If this is to a members email address can you please print it off and pass it on to your parents. Thanks. Here are a list of possible Sundays on which we could run a Car Boot. As covered in March'14 Newsletter (+ recent cascades), this is THE major income source for the club and enables us to keep subscriptions, membership, our exchanges to and from Holland, and club events at their current level. Note - we're ONLY expecting to run 1 (possible 2 max) Sunday each month. In July and September we are currently contemplating 2 sales in those months. Your support on a Sunday morning(s) would be very much appreciated. At the moment the only "usual crew" will be ...Diane, Jamie and myself. With Jake (up to July). We can't run the sales in 2014 with so few of us. We usually start to set up (eg. marking out the parking area, street cones) at about 06:45 and most of the cars/vans have left the field by noon. Alternatively if you can help setup in the morning and/or pack-away at around 11:30 that would be great also. Please just put either YES or NO and the number of helpers alongside these dates. I've just put one entry against 18th May as an example. May 4 - 11 - 18 - yes/no (2) 25 - June 1 - 8 - 15 - 22 - 29 - July 6 - 13 - 20 - 27 - August 3 - 10 - 17 - 24 - 31 - Sept 7 - 14 - 21 - 28 - Can you please get back to us ASAP. Diane & I will collate the feedback to determine the viable dates, get back to everybody and then she has to book/register/pay for those dates with the Sheffield Council Markets Dept. Thanks again, Chris Ledger ![]()
April 2016