On Thursday at the AGM the new management committee members elected are as follows....
Club Chair - Hayley Butterworth Club Secretary - Chris Ledger Club Treasurer - Chris Ledger Lead Instructor - Jake Ledger Competition Secretary - Jake Ledger Welfare/Safeguarding Officer - Regan Mark Club Website - Chris & Jake LINK to the website page The award for effort and endeavours in 2015 has tonight been awarded to Esther Cutting.
Well done from everybody at the club. CONSENT FORM & TRAINING SESSIONS Please return the consent form & £20 deposit ( http://goo.gl/9T8VPV ). Also the comp training sessions start at Heeley Baths this Sunday. Jake asks if you can get there a little earlier than 19h15 as we could get longer in the pool ( http://goo.gl/EhdcCO ). PASSPORT & EHIC Can you please check your passport has at least 6 months left on it from the departure date 22Jan16, AND can everybody ensure they have a Health EHIC/E111 card. If not please go on-line ( https://goo.gl/YdtdmI ) and register ASAP.
Dear all members & parents, As well as by email I will also be posting these days on our facebook group and website. As in previous years....to all those members going to Eindhoven and sorting out the team order, practice and training the coaches (Jake, Hayley & Jamie) have provisionally set up the following additional pool sessions. Please put the following dates in your diary and I will confirm them for definite once Jake has completed the booking with SIV. There's no additional charge. The club will subsidise the booking and payment of these slots. For Incident Training at Heeley Baths on Sundays from 19h30 to 20h30 (meet at 19h15)
The coaches (and don't forget Jake, Hayley , Tamsin & Holly are competing too!!) would like to hope that ALL members wanting to go to Eindhoven will be able to make these sessions. So can you please check your diaries. It's a key opportunity to practice lifesaving, rescue, speed and to sort out the team running orders (especially for the speed events). Please speak with Hayley, Jamie & Jake on Wednesday night (9th) if you're NOT able to make these slots. Thanks and regards, Chris. ps. I have also attached the Dutch invitation and programme which they kindly translate for our club !! You can get a feel for the two days. Enjoy !! ![]()
Link to our latest newsletter - we're on the move.
Our two new club flyers have been added to the website.
Visit >About Us page for more details. DOWNLOAD them and put them on your school and work notice boards. Thanks. The RLSS has been reviewing and revising it's governance and approach. Here is the Cover Note followed by the document. For some time now the Trustees and Leadership Team of RLSS UK have been listening to feedback about ‘Our Society'. In 2013 a working group was formed to review governance of the Society and we consulted the members on the governance of the Charity at the RLSS UK Conference in 2014. Having considered this feedback we developed various proposals to change the governance of RLSS UK to help equip us to meet market demands in the future. Recently, we consulted directly with RLSS UK Branch Officials and we benefited from other members joining in this debate on these proposals. One of the aspects was about moving to a one member one vote system for our elections. We thought you might all like to know what has been said and what we are now going to do about it. To view the members response to the RLSS UK Governance Review click here. For those who have been directly involved thank you, for those that are seeing this for the first time, here is the background and we hope you now find this informative. To view the AGM notice click here and to view the memorandum and articles click here. Regards Pete ![]()
April 2016