Dear all members & parents, As well as by email I will also be posting these days on our facebook group and website. As in previous all those members going to Eindhoven and sorting out the team order, practice and training the coaches (Jake, Hayley & Jamie) have provisionally set up the following additional pool sessions. Please put the following dates in your diary and I will confirm them for definite once Jake has completed the booking with SIV. There's no additional charge. The club will subsidise the booking and payment of these slots. For Incident Training at Heeley Baths on Sundays from 19h30 to 20h30 (meet at 19h15)
The coaches (and don't forget Jake, Hayley , Tamsin & Holly are competing too!!) would like to hope that ALL members wanting to go to Eindhoven will be able to make these sessions. So can you please check your diaries. It's a key opportunity to practice lifesaving, rescue, speed and to sort out the team running orders (especially for the speed events). Please speak with Hayley, Jamie & Jake on Wednesday night (9th) if you're NOT able to make these slots. Thanks and regards, Chris. ps. I have also attached the Dutch invitation and programme which they kindly translate for our club !! You can get a feel for the two days. Enjoy !!
The Seniors and Juniors did brilliantly in Eindhoven in the Incident Competition.
SENIORS won the overall SILVER medal SENIORS Team Captain - Jake - won the GOLD medal for his Captaincy JUNIORS Team Captain - Alice - won the BRONZE medal for her Captaincy Seniors - Tamsin, Jake, Holly, Hayley Juniors - Alice, Sarah, Georgia, Jessy Dutch video of the competition. The swimming times have been adjusted a little to cater for our finalised booking at Graves Leisure Centre on 18/1. START 13:30
Can anybody help to fill the "4th man" spot in the JUNIORS team please to support their training? @Hayley & @Tamsin : can you please rally the troops tomorrow to see if anybody can help Alice, Sarah and Georgia on 18/1? Thx, C. PLEASE NOTE
SUNDAY 18th JANUARY (COMPETITION TEAMS ONLY) @ GRAVES LEISURE CENTRE (MEADOWHEAD) - from 14:00 until 16:00 team incident and speed training will be taking place. - ALL comp team members (Hayley, Jake, Tamsin, Holly, Alice, Sarah, Georgia) to attend (plus Jamie & Chris) WEDNESDAY 21st JANUARY (ALL CLUB MEMBERS) @ PONDS FORGE - meet 19:15 - poolside 19:30 until 21:30 - this is a CLUB night & COMPETITION training evening.
Just a big thank you to all the teams that took part in this year's competition. We hope you enjoyed it.
This year we welcomed a great number of teams taking part along with their team leaders/coaches and family supporters. An excellent turnout. Also a big thank you to the parents and volunteers. It made it possible to run this year's competition. It's simply no helpers = no competition. All the results, summary and programme can be found on this website. Here's the LINK. Thanks, Chris. Car Boot Sale - 29Sep
Followed by prize giving and Evening disco/buffet at the Civic Centre
SLSC Competition - Donation of Raffle Prizes
SLSC Polo Shirts for the competition
We're back after the summer recess !!!
The members doing their Bronze syllabus are going through its finalisation now so please try to not miss any weeks as it may delay your accreditation submission. And the teams for OUR competition on Oct-19th are being determined. As ever we cannot emphasise enough the need for an excellent turnout by our members at our competition. Thanks, Chris. Hi,
The 2013 Competition is on October 19th at Eckington Pool. For all clubs wishing to take part please go to our details page and enter your details. We look forward to seeing you there. Regards, Chris Ledger Club Secretary & Treasurer |
April 2016