The RLSS has been reviewing and revising it's governance and approach. Here is the Cover Note followed by the document. For some time now the Trustees and Leadership Team of RLSS UK have been listening to feedback about ‘Our Society'. In 2013 a working group was formed to review governance of the Society and we consulted the members on the governance of the Charity at the RLSS UK Conference in 2014. Having considered this feedback we developed various proposals to change the governance of RLSS UK to help equip us to meet market demands in the future. Recently, we consulted directly with RLSS UK Branch Officials and we benefited from other members joining in this debate on these proposals. One of the aspects was about moving to a one member one vote system for our elections. We thought you might all like to know what has been said and what we are now going to do about it. To view the members response to the RLSS UK Governance Review click here. For those who have been directly involved thank you, for those that are seeing this for the first time, here is the background and we hope you now find this informative. To view the AGM notice click here and to view the memorandum and articles click here. Regards Pete ![]()
Last chance to join us on a new adventure!
View this email in your browser Open Water Camp 2015 Calling all lifesavers! Last chance to sign up!The deadline for signing up to Sheffield LSC's very own Open Water Camp 2015 has now been extended! Open Water will be a completely new experience for many of our Young Lifesavers, but is both fun and exciting, and there are many new skills to be gained from Open Water training. We have only a few places left to fill, so if you might be interested in learning new skills, getting to know fellow club members better, and having fun - bring a deposit of £20 in a named, sealed envelope before the May half term break (so you only have tomorrow 13th May and next week 20th May!). The camp is running from 24th-27th August in the Lake District. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch! Click here to read the SLSC Open Water Camp letter! Do you like bacon? If you answered yes, we can help!We can provide you with the perfect bacon sandwich on a Sunday morning, and you'll be helping the club at the same time! To claim your perfect bacon sandwich (or sausage sandwich if you would prefer), just email Tamsin to let her know which dates you are available to help us! Dates are the second Sunday of each month, June-September inclusive:
Terms & Conditions: To be eligable for your free bacon or sausage sandwich, participants must be willing to give up a morning to help facilitate SLSC's Car Boot for fundraising purposes. Willing volunteers must report to Wisewood Sports Centre for 7.30am and are required to: unlock gates, wear highly fashionable hi-vis jackets, collect money from participating boot's of cars, hold paddle boards to guide cars into appropriate sized spaces whilst looking like a professional aircraft marshal, stand in the sunshine whilst enjoying light-hearted chit chat, and consuming the perfect bacon sandwich with a well earned cuppa, before finishing up at around 11am. On one final serious note - we really need some more volunteers to help us run this car boot. It is the Club's biggest fundraiser and brings in a lot of money for not a lot of work. If you can spare any time at all on any of these dates, please let Tamsin know ASAP as the Club committee can't run this alone. Copyright © 2015 Sheffield Lifesaving Club, All rights reserved. |
April 2016