The Seniors and Juniors did brilliantly in Eindhoven in the Incident Competition.
SENIORS won the overall SILVER medal SENIORS Team Captain - Jake - won the GOLD medal for his Captaincy JUNIORS Team Captain - Alice - won the BRONZE medal for her Captaincy Seniors - Tamsin, Jake, Holly, Hayley Juniors - Alice, Sarah, Georgia, Jessy Dutch video of the competition.
The swimming times have been adjusted a little to cater for our finalised booking at Graves Leisure Centre on 18/1. START 13:30
Can anybody help to fill the "4th man" spot in the JUNIORS team please to support their training? @Hayley & @Tamsin : can you please rally the troops tomorrow to see if anybody can help Alice, Sarah and Georgia on 18/1? Thx, C. PLEASE NOTE
SUNDAY 18th JANUARY (COMPETITION TEAMS ONLY) @ GRAVES LEISURE CENTRE (MEADOWHEAD) - from 14:00 until 16:00 team incident and speed training will be taking place. - ALL comp team members (Hayley, Jake, Tamsin, Holly, Alice, Sarah, Georgia) to attend (plus Jamie & Chris) WEDNESDAY 21st JANUARY (ALL CLUB MEMBERS) @ PONDS FORGE - meet 19:15 - poolside 19:30 until 21:30 - this is a CLUB night & COMPETITION training evening. |
April 2016